Phone: (620) 562-3557
We sometimes get used products as partial exchange for an upgrade to a newer, and usually larger, tool. These used products are completely refurbished. They are then sold at a discounted price, sometimes 50% or more off original retail value! Ask about our used products when you call in or message us on the 'contact us' page!

Scratch and Dent Sales
Scroll Saws

This 226VS (serial #6191) was manufactured in 1996 and is part of the Ultra series of Hawk scroll saw. As such, it is completely supported, so any part you may need would be available. Don't let the age fool you...this is a workhorse!

It is fully refurbished and upgraded with - among other things - new bearings and our Upper Blade Holder Conversion Kit so that it now takes our newest blade holder which allows the user to change blades from top OR bottom. 

The motor and controller have been thoroughly inspected and tested to ensure that they are in proper working order. Although they are not pictured above, this saw does come with legs.

This saw is priced at $800 + S&H. It also includes a 6 month warranty for your peace of mind. 

To order this saw, please call Hope at 620-562-3557.